While global growth is often a highly sought-after goal for many business owners, managing a company across borders can be a challenging endeavor. In addition to identifying a target market and determining how to best meet the needs of those potential customers, there is also the hurdle of adapting to new laws and establishing local connections.
Without a thorough understanding of company goals and optimization of current systems, leaders run the risk of their new venture failing and inadvertently harming the established business.
As leaders, the members of Forbes Business Council have experience expanding and operating in multiple countries. Below, 19 of them offer strategies to help business leaders successfully navigate the process of establishing a global business and why these methods are so effective for scaling.
1. Adopt A Global Perspective
You need a global point of view to ensure success. Customers and team members are different in different parts of the world, as are traditions, values and ways to operate, so be mindful and respectful of that. Customers often want a local person with whom they can meet or discuss issues. They also expect a timely response. While global growth looks attractive, go in thoughtfully. – John Stewart, Talons Ventures. LLC
2. Conduct Market Research
Market research is key to understanding how to localize resources and company content to deliver personalized user experiences. Let demand inform where to expand globally, and pilot your product or service before going all in. We expanded to Indian and U.K. markets in direct response to product demand and in consideration of where we could build a regional presence with local offices and teams. – Chandra Pemmasani, UWorld
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3. Determine Whether The Goal Is Growth Or Expansion
Global growth is different from global expansion for operational efficiency. For growth, it is critical to have a local strategy and a local team who understands the local market and culture. Oftentimes, this is overlooked. Global expansion is thought of as hiring a local person as opposed to a cohesive strategy for that market. One shortcut to this is to partner or acquire a local company. – Waqaas Al-siddiq, Biotricity, Inc.
4. Lean On Local Partners
Our motto is “Think globally, act locally.” One size doesn’t fit all, so remember that the accustomed ways of doing business may not be a perfect match in every corner of the world. We foster growth internationally through our local partners who know the region and key decision-makers. We have periodic check-ins with our partners to review opportunities and discuss customer feedback, and these partners work as our branch offices. – Ozan Bilgen, Base64.ai
5. Build Relationships In Person
In my experience, there is no substitute for building relationships in person. This part shouldn’t be delegated or short-circuited. It’s small money and only takes a few hours, so just hop on a plane and put in the time to show your genuine commitment. Having patience and spending time upfront to meet people pays off every time. – Joel Desilets, Damascus Partners, LLC
6. Focus On The Target Market’s Processes And Systems
Be intentional about learning more about how other regions process information and data. The more you can learn about these processes and systems, the better. I have never worked globally and have over 45 years of experience doing business in the States. However, it has always served me well when I know what the customer’s “pain ” is. – Bob Fashano, LeadOne Consulting
7. Understand How Markets And Branding Work In Tandem
There are a few parameters to keep in mind of course. Let’s take a global company that runs loyalty programs for example. You need to be mindful of the synergy of regional and global operations when it comes to the access and hierarchy management of different platforms. It’s also crucial to maintain a cohesive look and feel of the brand while seamlessly accommodating regional specifications as well. – Zsuzsa Kecsmar, Antavo Loyalty Management Platform
8. Start Small
Rather than planning a large-scale market entry over several years, start by taking small steps and experimenting each week to build on real business performance rather than abstract strategies. We’ve launched small global ad campaigns, identified responsive countries and tailored market-specific ads for scalable success. – Dmitrii Basalkin, Bright AI
9. Establish Clear Communication
Ensuring clear communication between regional operations and the head office is imperative to a successful integration. Start with clearly defined expectations and measurable accountabilities for each region. Then establish a predictable rhythm and preferred method of communication for key deliverables, inter-region communication and updates to the head office. – Erin Stephenson, DOZR
10. Prioritize Collaboration
Global businesses are all about high-caliber people across geographies coupled with high-caliber communication across people in those different geographies. For businesses with a physical footprint, collaboration is always exponentially more challenging when people aren’t co-located. As such, focusing on processes that encourage consistent collaboration are highly impactful. – Greg Moran, Zoomcar
11. Build A Diverse Leadership Team
Cultivate a diverse leadership team for global success. Diverse perspectives drive better-informed decisions, adaptability and effective communication, fostering innovation and resonating with varied customer bases. – Raj Sardana, Innova Solutions
12. Set Up Strong Communication Channels
One effective strategy for managing a global business is establishing strong communication channels. Regular and transparent communication fosters understanding, alignment and adaptability across diverse locations. This helps mitigate misunderstandings, ensures consistent operations and promotes a cohesive organizational culture, ultimately contributing to overall success. – Dr. Funmilola Tella, FT Rich Mummy Company
13. Over-Communicate To Stakeholders
Business is about people. One strategy to manage and de-risk multicultural teams is to over-communicate. Ensure nothing is assumed, taken for granted or considered obvious. Set clear expectations on all levels (even personal ones) and over-explain the reasons using the power of “because.” Be extremely polite, set an example and sweeten the execution. Make this strategy a self-sustained culture. – Ilya Khanykov, Bartini, Inc.
14. Delegate Responsibilities
Most entrepreneurs believe that if they bring somebody else on, that person won’t be as good as they are. What they need to realize is that if they don’t learn to delegate, they won’t be able to scale the business. If you can bring in someone who is 70 to 80% as good as you, you’ve got a home run. That person should be able to learn and grow with you while also allowing you to expand your business. – Brian Will, Brian Will Media
15. Integrate Local Qualities Into Company Culture
On a cultural level, treat all global operations the same. However, from an operations perspective, assume each operation is a separate company altogether. This will help you create a cohesive company culture across borders while not neglecting local idiosyncrasies. – Sebastian Rivas, Andes STR
16. Personalize Your Efforts To The Market
Companies that move into global markets often fall into the trap of believing everything must be identical. Smart globalization determines what is common in any location or geography. Your brand, customer experience and organizational culture are core to who you are and should be common. Then tailor by geography, and stratify processes and programs. One size fits all never works. – Patti Johnson, PeopleResults
17. Leverage Data
In my last two decades of managing multicountry operations, I have learned (often the hard way) the power of thoughtful and data-driven planning capabilities in centers of excellence (globally or regionally consolidated) versus capabilities distributed by site. The winning formula is a globally optimized strategy executed closer to the end markets through local empowerment and local accountability. – Ujjwal Kumar, Teradyne
18. Respect The Target Market
To be successful on a global scale, businesses must be humble and respect the diversity of each market. It is critical to have strong leadership that truly understands how international markets operate as well as their local cultures. The market always prevails, so enterprises need to adapt to local customers, not the other way around. A one-size-fits-all approach will rarely work. – Nuno Fernandes, American Public University System
19. Consider Global Expansion A Long-Term Effort
To craft a thriving global strategy, integrate global considerations early. Don’t treat international expansion as an afterthought. For instance, when innovating for a company in the U.S., explore its potential in global markets from the start. Adapt products for global compliance, languages and sizes. Though initially challenging, long-term gains outweigh short-term efforts. – Jacopo Dalessandris, Canidae